ZEE AVI - Kantoi Lyrics
Artist : ZEE AVI
Song Title : Kantoi
ZEE AVI - KantoiSemalam, i call you
you tak answer
you kata, you keluar pergi dinner
you kata, you keluar dengan kawan you
but when i called tommy he said it wasn't true
so i drove my car pergi damansara
Tommy kata maybe you tengok bola
tapi bila i sampai you
you tak ada
lagi lah i jadi gila
so i called and called sampai you answer
you kata sorry sayang tadi tak dengar
my phone was on silent
i was at the gym
tapi latar belakang suara perempuan lain
sudah lah sayang
i don't believe you
for it's known that your words were never true
Why am i with you i pun tak tahu
No wonder lah my friends pun tak suka you
So i guess that's the end of our story
Akhir kata she accepted his apology
Tapi last last kita dapat tahu
She was cheating too
With her ex-boyfriend's best friend
ZEE AVI - Kantoi Video
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