NIRVANA - School

NIRVANA - School Lyrics
nirvana school

Artist         : NIRVANA
Song Title  : School
Tag           : NIRVANA

NIRVANA - School

Won't you believe it, it's just my luck
Won't you believe it, it's just my luck
Won't you believe it, it's just my luck
Won't you believe it, it's just my luck

No recess
No recess
No recess

You're in high school again
You're in high school again
You're in high school again
You're in high school again
You're in high school again
You're in high school again
You're in high school again
You're in high school again

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NIRVANA - School Video

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NIRVANA - School lyrics above is copyright / property of the authors, artists, bands and music labels concerned. The entire media including song lyrics, video, and others contained on this site are for promotional and evaluation purposes.