SHADES APART - Stranger by the Day Lyrics
Song Title : Stranger by the Day
SHADES APART - Stranger by the DaySnow is falling from the sky in the middle of July
Sun was shining in my eyes again last night
Alarm goes off without a sound the silence is so loud
Something isn't right
Footsteps echo down the hall no one's there at all
Dial your number but your voice says "I'm not home"
Everything is inside out I don't know what it's about
It keeps getting stranger by the day
Stranger by the day
It keeps getting stranger by the day
Stranger by the day
Going for a walk outside to see what I can find
No reflections in the windows I pass by
It feels hotter in the shade water runs up from the drain
Something's going on
Conversations with a mime stared at by the blind
Imagination must be working overtime
The world is upside down everything is turned around
It keeps getting stranger by the day
Stranger by the day
It keeps getting stranger by the day
Stranger by the day, yeah
By the time I reach your door I can't take anymore
I just happened to be in your neighborhood
I'm the one who gets surprised I don't believe my eyes
Your alibi's no good
Whatever happened to the world
Whatever happened to the girl I thought I knew
It just can't be true I guess I'm losing you
Stranger by the day
Stranger by the day
It keeps getting stranger by the day
Stranger by the day
Oohhh...stranger by the day...
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SHADES APART - Stranger by the Day lyrics above is copyright / property of the authors, artists, bands and music labels concerned. The entire media including song lyrics, video, and others contained on this site are for promotional and evaluation purposes.