BEGUNDAL LOWOKWARU - From The Patch To The Pin

BEGUNDAL LOWOKWARU - From The Patch To The Pin Lyrics
begundal lowokwaru

Song Title  : From The Patch To The Pin

BEGUNDAL LOWOKWARU - From The Patch To The Pin

Black and blue that we gonna make it
Tattoes on hand, and those the bottle that we shake in hand
So we gonna meet you a promise and the game
Bother name ten years was spiky hair
We still see skinhead, and rudeboys don’t there

Tonight we gonna meet you
Gathering all punk, skinhead and rudeboy
Sing a song of struggle that always shine
Clap your hand and everybody sing that song

From the patch to the pin, yeah..yeah..yeah..
From the hair to the boots, oh..oh..oh..
Everybody sing a song say la la la la
La la la la la la la la (4x)

This street of memories
This street mean our bad
At the moonlight we punch enemy
With our strong fist and the bottle till down
Never forget your friend
And once again we shaking hand

From the patch to the pin, yeah..yeah..yeah..
From the hair to the boots, oh..oh..oh..
Everybody sing a song say la la la la
La la la la la la la la (4x)

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