THE CASUALTIES - Here Today Lyrics

Artist         : THE CASUALTIES
Song Title  : Here Today
Tag            : THE CASUALTIES


United together... you preach to us before
Don't change or sellout, that's what you said to us
A blinded following, naive kids don't understand
Our music, our style, is all taken away
Our fashion, our style, you have all sold it away
And here we stand, our teacher has gone away

Here today... gone tomorrow
Here today... gone tomorrow
Here today... gone tomorrow
Here today... whoa

Punk and skin, united until the end
But junkies and nazis a part of our scene again
They're fighting each other, is the Oi! scene of today
From punk to skin, the fashion also changed your brain
Our music, our style, is all taken away
And there we stand, our teachers have gone away

United together... you preach to us before
Don't change or sellout, that's what you said to us
A blinded following, naive kids don't understand
Our music, our style, is all taken away
Our fashion, our style, you have all sold it away
And here we stand, our teacher has gone away

Seen it before in '77
I've seen it again in '82
Will you keep it alive?
It's all up to you
Posers come and go
I've seen it all before
Will you keep it alive?
Better not conform

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