THE CASUALTIES - Criminal Class

THE CASUALTIES - Criminal Class Lyrics
the casualties - on the front line

Artist         : THE CASUALTIES
Song Title  : Criminal Class
Tag            : THE CASUALTIES

THE CASUALTIES - Criminal Class

Criminal Class - What you make me out to be
Criminal Class - The jails you build for me

On the streets getting picked up for a crime
For being different I am guilty from the start
Fighting back seems a senseless thing to do
Working men now you're fucking behind bars

Criminal Class - What you make me out to be
Criminal Class - The jails you build for me

On the streets we are getting organized
Fight the system and their fucking corruption
Fight the law and there's no fucking turning back
The boys are back and they're back to take a stand

Criminal Class - What you make me out to be
Criminal Class - The jails you build for me

On the streets law and order there is none
The boys in blue can arrest anyone
Control the streets like a mafia rules the town
Protect and serve only when they do the crime

Criminal Class - What you make me out to be
Criminal Class - The jails you build for me

Judges make sure you don't really have a chance
Making bails only the wealthy can afford
Creating cells all over across this fucking land
Where the rich won't go in and the poor won't come out

Criminal Class - What you make me out to be
Criminal Class - The jails you build for me
Criminal Class
Criminal Class - What you make me out to be
Criminal Class - The jails you build for me
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