THE CASUALTIES - Scarred For Life

THE CASUALTIES - Scarred For Life Lyrics
the casualties - on the front line

Artist         : THE CASUALTIES
Song Title  : Scarred For Life
Tag            : THE CASUALTIES

THE CASUALTIES - Scarred For Life

You got your junk - wasting away
You couldn't care less - a dying friend
You really look sick - the needle is deep
You'll never give it up - tell me for what

Scarred for life, scarred for life
You don't give a damn so fuck you too

On the street - wasting away
Begging for money - a dying friend
Selling your body - you heroin addict
No hope, no dreams - nothing but lies

Scarred for life, scarred for life
You don't give a damn so fuck you too

You need a fix - don't look at me
You need a hand - not again
You two-time scum - now you're a bum
Your way of anarchy - ain't for me

Scarred for life, scarred for life
You don't give a damn so fuck you too
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