THE CASUALTIES - Chaos Sound Lyrics
the casualties - chaos sound

Artist         : THE CASUALTIES
Song Title  : Chaos Sound
Tag            : THE CASUALTIES


Slam! Slam! - It's back to your roots
With our radio playing, a song with no rules
Bang! Bang! - Bang your head through
No right wing fascists or left wing fools

Loud, fast, rules
I don't need nothing
Loud, fast, rules
Except the music
Loud, fast, rules
It's in our blood
I need no one, I follow no one
All I need is this chaos sound!

Street! Street! - Street smart rules
No political party brainwashing the youth
Fast! Fast! - Fast and Loud rules
I made it on my own and so can you

Loud, fast, rules
We don't need no one
Loud, fast, rules
Except the music
Loud, fast, rules
It's in our blood
We need no one, we follow no one
All we need is this chaos sound!

Loud, fast, rules
We don't need no one
Loud, fast, rules
Except the music
Loud, fast, rules
It's in our blood
We need no one, we follow no one
All we need is this chaos sound!

I don't think like you
I hope I never do
So don't make any rules
With our world exploding around us
I'm smarter, faster, stronger

Loud, fast, rules
This chaos sound
Loud, fast, rules
This chaos sound
Loud, fast, rules
This chaos sound
With our world exploding around us
I'm smarter, faster, stronger
I need no one, I follow no one
All I need is, this chaos sound!

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