THE CASUALTIES - Social Outcast

THE CASUALTIES - Social Outcast Lyrics
the casualties - under attack

Artist         : THE CASUALTIES
Song Title  : Social Outcast
Tag            : THE CASUALTIES

THE CASUALTIES - Social Outcast

We are the enemies - of this society

To the deprived
And the neglected
To the unwanted
And all the ones discarded in this world

Social outcast - social outcast
We are the enemies - of this society

To the abandoned
And the rejected
To the unforgiving
And all of you, with nowhere to belong

Social outcast - social outcast
We are the enemies - of this society

No matter what's needed
Or how great the hurry
As long as there's rebels
You don't need to worry, we're standing beside you

Social outcast - social outcast
We are the enemies - of this society
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