THE CASUALTIES - War Is Business

THE CASUALTIES - War Is Business Lyrics
the casualties - We Are All We Have

Artist         : THE CASUALTIES
Song Title  : War Is Business
Tag            : THE CASUALTIES

THE CASUALTIES - War Is Business

No time to run, the invasions begun
Tanks rolling in with troops and bombs and guns
Families ripped apart, people on fire, screaming
Children's bodies hanging from barbed wire

Watch out for the death squad
War is business war is business
Air-raid, fallout, napalm

What do our lives have to do with their decisions?
We fall victim when they decide to fight
War for money by the sick and insane
We fall victim the rich don't have to fight

Watch out for the death squad
War is business war is business
Death squad, militia, business

As long as its not here, you don't need to worry
Just close your eyes no side thinks they're wrong
Can you imagine your family dead in the streets?
Just close your eyes and you will think again

Watch out for the death squad
War is business war is business
Air-raid, fallout, napalm

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