THE CASUALTIES - Warriors On The Road

THE CASUALTIES - Warriors On The Road Lyrics
the casualties - resistance

Artist         : THE CASUALTIES
Song Title  : Warriors On The Road
Tag            : THE CASUALTIES

THE CASUALTIES - Warriors On The Road

Road warriors, we don't care
No sleep, thousand mile stare
Don't care what lies ahead
We'll get there, sick or in pain!

Warriors on the road tonight
Ripping up the highway
Warriors on the road

It's not easy to go on the road
Take the short way - not the long way
Every second is fucking new
Every inch is unexplored
Urban pestilence, love of mine
No obstacle will stop our kind
Filthy end - we have arrived
No rules for you tonight

Warriors on the road tonight
Ripping up the highway
Warriors on the road

Noise, beer, and gasoline
Speeding through, keep going on
Lousy food, coffee and beer
Next show, we gotta go!
Casualties army about to explode
Different places, same angry faces
Only you can govern my life
'Cause you are crazy fans!

Warriors on the road tonight
Ripping up the highway
Warriors on the road

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