KONTRASOSIAL - Religi Konsumsi

KONTRASOSIAL - Religi Konsumsi Lyrics
KONTRASOSIAL - Religi Konsumsi
Song Title: Religi Konsumsi
Base: Bandung, Indonesia
Album: Endless War
Release: 2009

Kontrasosial is a band from Bandung that carries D-Beat Punk. Kontrasosial determined to start this band since 2006 to display the highest energy with critical statements. The following are the lyrics of Kontrasosial's song "Religi Konsumsi" which was taken from their album entitled "Endless War" which was released in 2009.

KONTRASOSIAL - Religi Konsumsi

Kiamat Tiba Lebih Awal
Neraka Siap Saji
Surga Diskon Belanja
Religi Di TV 21 Inci

Nabi Korban Iklan
Pakai Sorban Merk Nike
Kami Korban Iklan
Propaganda Religi

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