KONTRASOSIAL - Stop Fanatism

KONTRASOSIAL - Stop Fanatism Lyrics
KONTRASOSIAL - Stop Fanatism
Song Title: Stop Fanatism
Base: Bandung, Indonesia
Album: Volume 4
Release: 2013

Kontrasosial is a band from Bandung that carries D-Beat Punk. Kontrasosial determined to start this band since 2006 to display the highest energy with critical statements. The following are the lyrics of Kontrasosial's song "Stop Fanatism" which was taken from their album entitled "Volume 4" which was released in 2013.

KONTRASOSIAL - Stop Fanatism

Everything You said
It's Just A Wasted
All About Your Fanatism
We Don't Care

Burn This Fanatism
It's Totally Fucking Bullshit!!!

Everything You said
It's Just A Wasted
All About Your Fanatism
We Don't Care

Burn This Fanatism
It's Totally Fucking Bullshit!!!
Fucking Bullshit!!!

Burn This Fanatism
It's Totally Fucking Bullshit!!!

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