BELDHEAD - Skinhead Bersatu Lyrics

Song Title: Skinhead Bersatu
Base: Bandung, Indonesia
Album: Berbeda-Beda Tapi Tetap Satu Tujuan !!!
Release: 2014
BELDHEAD is a Street Punk Oi! Skinhead band from the city of Bandung, Indonesia. The theme of this Beldhead song's lyrics is mostly about the working class, friendship, passion, solidarity, and unity. The following are the lyrics of BELDHEAD's song with the title "Skinhead Bersatu" which were taken from the album entitled "Berbeda-Beda Tapi Tetap Satu Tujuan !!!" which was released in 2014
BELDHEAD - Skinhead BersatuMungkin kita kaum tertindas
Tapi kita kaum pekerja keras
Hak hidupnya selalu dirampas
Tapi kita tidak menindas
Kami takkan berhenti tuk meraih kebebasan
Bersatu bersama tuk menuju kemenangan
Skinhead bersatu
Skinhead terus maju
Skinhead bersatu
Skinhead bersatu
Skinhead terus maju
Skinhead bersatu
Saatnya kita bersama
Melawan ketidakadilan
Jangan pernah merasa takut
Karena Skinhead selalu bersama
More Lyrics of BELDHEAD
BELDHEAD - Skinhead Bersatu lyrics above is copyright / property of the authors, artists, bands and music labels concerned. The entire media including song lyrics, video, and others contained on this site are for promotional and evaluation purposes.