FORGOTTEN - Obsesi Mati Lyrics

Song Title: Obsesi Mati
Base: Bandung, Indonesia
Album: Obsesi Mati
Release: 2000
FORGOTTEN is a band that carries Death Metal music originating from the Ujung Berung area, Bandung - Indonesia. Forgotten started this band in 1994. The following are the lyrics of FORGOTTEN's song with the title "Obsesi Mati" which were taken from the album entitled "Obsesi Mati" which was released in 2000
FORGOTTEN - Obsesi MatiButa mencari pegangan
Otakku terpaku kehampaan
Hidupku mencoba beralih
Kuacak masa depan tanpa arti
Mencoba mati bangunlah mimpi
Dan mati adalah obsesi
Obsesi mati
Obsesi mati...!!!
Mencoba putih hitam tergores
Garis akhir ditanganku
Kutangkap putus asa
Mencoba mati
Akhiri obsesi
Bunuh diri
Bawalah kedalam apimu
Bakarlah bakar amarah
Air mata mulai membatu
Semuanya menyakitkan
Gelap telah mengendap
Kotor boroknya asa
Tertawa marah dan kecewa
Kosongnya jiwa rasaku telah mati
Obsesi mati
Aku tidak layak hidup
Merah nyeri bunuh diri
More Lyrics of FORGOTTEN
FORGOTTEN - Obsesi Mati lyrics above is copyright / property of the authors, artists, bands and music labels concerned. The entire media including song lyrics, video, and others contained on this site are for promotional and evaluation purposes.