FORGOTTEN - Pusara Beku Lyrics

Song Title: Pusara Beku
Base: Bandung, Indonesia
Album: Obsesi Mati
Release: 2000
FORGOTTEN is a band that carries Death Metal music originating from the Ujung Berung area, Bandung - Indonesia. Forgotten started this band in 1994. The following are the lyrics of FORGOTTEN's song with the title "Pusara Beku" which were taken from the album entitled "Obsesi Mati" which was released in 2000
FORGOTTEN - Pusara BekuMenatap kosong
Tawa sepi ekspresi
Berdiri goyah
Terbang ke neraka
Terbang (Terbang)
Terbang (Terbang)
Terbang (Terbang)
Ke neraka
Latar biru toreh sepi
Sejuta jarum tusuk nadi
Menatap nisan mati beku
Rayakan sepi bersama sunyi
Terpejam aku dalam sadar
Terbius aku oleh luka
Menangis aku tanpa suara
Panggillah aku wahai neraka
Surga neraka perkosa aku
Tuhan dan dosa setubuhi aku
Aku mati dalam bentuk diri
Aku hilang dalam bentuk jiwa
Pusara beku diam membeku
Pusara beku diam membisu
Pusara beku diam membeku
Pusara beku jawablah aku
Kugali kuburanku
Ukir nama di nisanku
Aku remuk, remuk tanpa bentuk
Menangis lirih perih merintih
Hentakan mati
Hentikan detak hidup
Hentakan mati
Hentikan detak hidup
Merekan tak berdosa
Mereka tak di surga
Sia-sia (Sia-sia)
Sia-sia (Sia-sia)
Percuma (Percuma)
More Lyrics of FORGOTTEN
FORGOTTEN - Pusara Beku lyrics above is copyright / property of the authors, artists, bands and music labels concerned. The entire media including song lyrics, video, and others contained on this site are for promotional and evaluation purposes.