UNDER 18 - Tetap Tajam Lyrics

Song Title: Tetap Tajam
Tag: UNDER 18
Base: Bandung, Indonesia
Album: Keep The Faith
Release: 2016
UNDER 18 is a Oldschool Hardcore band that started this band in 1997 originating from Bandung - Indonesia. The following are the lyrics of UNDER 18's song with the title "Tetap Tajam" which were taken from album entitled "Keep The Faith" which was released on cassette by Armstrech Records in February 18, 2016.
UNDER 18 - Tetap TajamTekad sejati terpatri dihati
Semakin kuat energi berlimpah
Tetap tajam semangat membara
Masih melaju menembus batas
Taklukkan hari ini, Seakan tak ada hari esok
Jangan pernah berpikir untuk mengalah
Percaya dan yakin pasti kuat
Tetap bertahan terus bergerak
Rapatkan barisan satukan tekad
Bersatu takkan terkalahkan
Langkah berani suara lantang
Tetap tajam digaris depan
Tetap tajam semangat membara
Masih melaju menembus batas
More Lyrics of UNDER 18
UNDER 18 - Tetap Tajam lyrics above is copyright / property of the authors, artists, bands and music labels concerned. The entire media including song lyrics, video, and others contained on this site are for promotional and evaluation purposes.