CLOSE HEAD - Shit Lyrics
close head

Artist         : CLOSE HEAD
Song Title  : Shit
Tag           : CLOSE HEAD


When i look reflection on the mirror
I see ugly thing on the floor
It's stink in hand that sticks on the door
This smells doesn't go still don't want to go

Where those things come from i don't know
And i think my mind can't be blow
So i close my nose with a dirty pillow
This smells doesn't go still don't want to go

When i look reflection on the mirror
I see ugly thing on the floor
It's stink in hand that sticks on the door
This smells doesn't go still don't want to go

Where those things come from i don't know
And i think my mind can't be blow
So i close my nose with a dirty pillow
This smells doesn't go still don't want to go

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