THE CASUALTIES - Time To Think Lyrics

Artist         : THE CASUALTIES
Song Title  : Time To Think
Tag            : THE CASUALTIES


You wanna fight for freedom, in the name of God you kill
But you fight for the rich, big corporations and their greed

Wake up - with no brains of your own
Open your eyes, time to think, life is short
Wake up - with no brains of your own
Open your eyes, time to think, life is short

Wake up - with no brains of your own
Open your eyes, time to think, life is short
Wake up - with no brains of your own
Open your eyes, time to think, life is short

You dress poor and dirty, thinking you are one of your own
Why can't you be yourself, being poor is no fucking joke

Wake up - with no brains of your own
Open your eyes, time to think, life is short
Wake up - with no brains of your own
Open your eyes, time to think, life is short

You want to join the Army, 'cause you need fucking work
But is it really worth it, when they take away your thoughts
You wanna fight for freedom, in the name of God you kill
But you fight for the rich, big corporations and their greed
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