THE CASUALTIES - Death Toll Lyrics
the casualties - on the front line

Artist         : THE CASUALTIES
Song Title  : Death Toll
Tag            : THE CASUALTIES


In god they believe - hate and war
A crusade of men
Killing is wrong - hate and war
For the church it's ok

Death toll - on the rise
No one cares, no one cares

Shot and beaten is the way of man
Torture and knifed - who will be next?
Worked to death by the ones you respect
Hate and death and war

Attack on democracy - hate and war
It's an invasion
We take a country - hate and war
It's liberation

Death toll - on the rise
No one cares, no one cares

Shot and beaten is the way of man
Torture and knifed - who will be next?
Worked to death by the ones you respect
Hate and death and war

Buried alive - hate and war
Burned and hanged
Bombed and starved - hate and war
Dead and unarmed

Death toll - on the rise
No one cares, no one cares

Shot and beaten is the way of man
Another holocaust - tears of sorrow
Drop two bombs, cheers of horror
Hate and death and war

Death toll - on the rise
No one cares, no one cares
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