THE CASUALTIES - Always Walk Alone

THE CASUALTIES - Always Walk Alone Lyrics
the casualties - resistance

Artist         : THE CASUALTIES
Song Title  : Always Walk Alone
Tag            : THE CASUALTIES

THE CASUALTIES - Always Walk Alone

I've never been lucky, in this whole life
The stars are always shining backwards to me
If I was reincarnated long after death
I will inherit suffering and pain

Ohhh you always walk alone ohhh
Ohhh you always walk alone ohhh

This is what I want to drown with liquor
To forget the treachery of a girl
While I'm still living, won't stop drinking
I will find the happiness in this world

Ohhh you always walk alone ohhh
Ohhh you always walk alone ohhh

No they don't really care
They don't really care
They don't really care
No they don't

I will write my stories
Wondering around the world
The deep and painful feeling
A sad and lonely life

Hey, nobody loves me
Alone with my kind of thinking
With all this suffering
Anyone will die

No they don't really care
They don't really care
They don't really care
No they don't

No they don't really care
They don't really care
They don't really care
No they don't

I came to this world just to feel pain
If a girl kisses me it's just to walk away
I keep on drinking, life made me this way
Can't find the happiness
Broken heart will be my death

No nobody cares!
NO they don't really care
They don't really care
They don't really care
No they don't

No nobody cares!
No they don't really care
They don't really care
They don't really care
No they don't

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