THE CASUALTIES - Brick Wall Justice

THE CASUALTIES - Brick Wall Justice Lyrics
the casualties - resistance

Artist         : THE CASUALTIES
Song Title  : Brick Wall Justice
Tag            : THE CASUALTIES

THE CASUALTIES - Brick Wall Justice

Brick walls around us
Feel the pressure building up
Unrest is here today
All our lives - all our fears

Brick wall justice
Against their power
Brick wall justice
Against their power

More laws, more tax, more oppression
To keep us down in their world
We don't have the money to keep it up
And survive in their world

Brick wall justice
Against their power
Brick wall justice
Against their power

Brick wall justice
All rise
Brick wall justice
Take back
Brick wall justice
Our lives
Brick wall justice
Right now!

Brick wall justice
All rise
Against their power
Take back
Brick wall justice
Our lives
Against their power
Right now!

Brick wall justice
Against their power
Brick wall justice
Against their power

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