THE CASUALTIES - My Blood. My Life. Always Forward.

THE CASUALTIES - My Blood. My Life. Always Forward. Lyrics
the casualties - resistance

Artist         : THE CASUALTIES
Song Title  : My Blood. My Life. Always Forward.
Tag            : THE CASUALTIES

THE CASUALTIES - My Blood. My Life. Always Forward.

Stumbled home last night
So drunk I could not see
Passed out on the floor
Heard you yelling at me

You can send me out to work
You can take my time and money
You complain and keep nagging
Go forward drunk or sober

Looking at the world
Through the bottom of a glass
Looking at the world
Makes a man go mad

Stumbled home last night
So drunk I could not see
Passed out on the floor
Heard you yelling at me

Drink up and be somebody
Don't leave me out to dry
Nights of drink and fights
Go forward drunk or sober

Looking at the world
Through the bottom of a glass
Looking at the world
Makes a man go mad

My blood
My life
Always forward

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