THE CASUALTIES - Behind Barbed Wire

THE CASUALTIES - Behind Barbed Wire Lyrics
the casualties - resistance

Artist         : THE CASUALTIES
Song Title  : Behind Barbed Wire
Tag            : THE CASUALTIES

THE CASUALTIES - Behind Barbed Wire

Behind barbed wire!

Life is a blank page
Waiting to be filled
Behind barbed wire
Nobody is free

Behind barbed wire
Fight to win
Behind barbed wire
Trapped within
Behind barbed wire
Gotta break free
Behind barbed wire
For you and me
Can't you break away?

Anger and sins
On everyone's faces
Mental abuse
What everyone faces

Behind barbed wire
Fight to win
Behind barbed wire
Trapped within
Behind barbed wire
Gotta break free
Behind barbed wire
For you and me
Can't you break away?

Even the birds in the tree
Sing this song to me
Telling me I should be free
Barbed wire fences - I'll break free

There are money worries
For everyone I see
This string of barbed
Won't stop me

Behind barbed wire
Fight to win
Behind barbed wire
Trapped within
Behind barbed wire
Gotta break free
Behind barbed wire
For you and me

Can't you break away?
Can't you break away?

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