THE CASUALTIES - Resistance Lyrics
the casualties - resistance

Artist         : THE CASUALTIES
Song Title  : Resistance
Tag            : THE CASUALTIES


Oi! Oi!

We fight to win
Prisoners of the state with restless hate
We don't care what they say
We've been here for years
And we're still this way
Holes in our clothes
Boots on city streets
Our noise is a different beat
They don't understand
And they don't need to
Just a way of life for me and you

Resistance! Oh!
Resistance! Oh oh!
Oi! Oi! Oi!
Oi! Oi! Oi!

Resistant to this society
Life is hard full of misery
Records and shows are all we have
We see this world in a different way

Resistance! Oh!
Resistance! Oh oh!

The scene is small
But it's heart is true

Stand Together

Help each other through
We always have a place for you
Just one life - it's up to you
We can never be stopped

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