THE CASUALTIES - Voice Of The Outcast

THE CASUALTIES - Voice Of The Outcast Lyrics
the casualties - resistance

Artist         : THE CASUALTIES
Song Title  : Voice Of The Outcast
Tag            : THE CASUALTIES

THE CASUALTIES - Voice Of The Outcast

Ohh Ohhh
This is our life, this is our struggle
This is our life, this is our fight

We are the ones that struggle and fight!
We take control of our own lives!

To all the people that don't belong
We're here tonight to scream this song
This is... voice of the outcast

To all the people that don't conform
We're here tonight to scream this song
This is... voice of the outcast

We are the ones that still resist!
We are the ones that will survive!

To all the people that don't belong
We're here tonight to scream this song
This is... voice of the outcast

To all the people that don't conform
We're here tonight to scream this song
This is... voice of the outcast

This is the voice of the outcast!
This is the voice of the unknown!

We are the ones, we will unite!
We are the ones, carry on the fight!

This is our life, this is our struggle
This is our life, this is our fight!

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