THE CASUALTIES - Without Warning

THE CASUALTIES - Without Warning Lyrics
the casualties - under attack

Artist         : THE CASUALTIES
Song Title  : Without Warning
Tag            : THE CASUALTIES

THE CASUALTIES - Without Warning

Oil production already peeked
Our days - are now numbered
We are heading towards disaster
And most of us don't even know it

Without warning - no second chance
And most of us don't even know it!
Without warning - no second chance

Instead of using alternatives
Drained the earth - oil is extinct
We will not be prepared
With no preparations, crisis will arise

Without warning - no second chance
With no preparations, crisis will arise!
Without warning - no second chance

Economic crash brings depression
Fool and energy shortages
Fighting over resources
Millions of human deaths!

Without warning - no second chance
Millions of human deaths!
Without warning - no second chance

They don't give us an alternative
If they can't make money out of it

Warning... without warning...
Warning... without warning...
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