THE CASUALTIES - Under Attack Lyrics
the casualties - under attack

Artist         : THE CASUALTIES
Song Title  : Under Attack
Tag            : THE CASUALTIES


Hey you!

Send us off to war - send us off to die
We know the truth - we won't buy your lies now
We're fed up - we don't want to wait
This war is a farce - you send us to die now

Under attack - we're under attack
Under attack - we're under attack

We said it once - we said it before
We're not the ones - who want this fucking war
We are fed up - we don't want to wait
We need a change - we won't buy your lies now

Under attack - we're under attack
Under attack - we're under attack

Power is terror - power is terror

See the youth mislead and used
We don't want to kill for you

We don't want your lies - we're sick of your faults
You want a war - we don't want it at all
You don't give a fuck - if we live or die
You don't really care - if there's no one left

You don't own our future...

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