DEFIANCE - Fall Into Line Lyrics

Song Title: Fall Into Line
Base: Portland, Oregon
Album: Against The Law
Release: 2003
Defiance are an American anarcho street punk band from Portland, Oregon, formed in 1993. In the winter of 1993, members from the bands Deprived, Unamused and Resist formed the first line-up of Defiance, with Tony and Alaric on vocals, Mike on guitar and vocals, Kelly on bass and Eric on drums. The following are the lyrics of Defiance's song "Fall Into Line" which was taken from their EP album entitled "Against The Law" which was released in 2003.
DEFIANCE - Fall Into LineSigned your name on the dotted line
Your promising future was soon left behind
Eyes open wide, god and gun at your side
Your hopes and dreams soo fall by the wayside
But not it's
Left right, left right
Orders are givin don't step out of lin
Left right, left right
Face front to attention gun at your side
Left right, left right
A promising future that promises nothing
Left right, left right
But a cross on your grave
No one could prepare for what lie ahead
in a blink of an eye it's fucking famine and death
The horrors of war to real to forget
It's too late for sorrow too late to forget
So keep marching on just like lamb to the slaughter
Kill or be killed is the old almamater
The streets of Bagdad run red with the horror
The promis is freedom, but the reality is death
Orders are givin now there's no turning back
With a blink of an eye it's guns, bombs and death
The horros of war to real to forget
It's too late for sorrow for regret
Riddled with bullets your life fades away
Your war torn eyes to blurred to see another day
But the troops atill march on just like lamb to the slaughter
After all freedoms' at stake and there is more left to conquer
More Lyrics of DEFIANCE
DEFIANCE - Fall Into Line lyrics above is copyright / property of the authors, artists, bands and music labels concerned. The entire media including song lyrics, video, and others contained on this site are for promotional and evaluation purposes.