DEFIANCE - Does This System Work? Lyrics

Song Title: Does This System Work?
Base: Portland, Oregon
Album: Against The Law
Release: 2003
Defiance are an American anarcho street punk band from Portland, Oregon, formed in 1993. In the winter of 1993, members from the bands Deprived, Unamused and Resist formed the first line-up of Defiance, with Tony and Alaric on vocals, Mike on guitar and vocals, Kelly on bass and Eric on drums. The following are the lyrics of Defiance's song "Does This System Work?" which was taken from their EP album entitled "Against The Law" which was released in 2003.
DEFIANCE - Does This System Work?It's out of the ashes and into the dust
Why are you fools so fucking eager to trust?
The same fucking scum that bribe you with wages
As they've done from the start
As they will through the ages
If there's liberity freedom and justic for all
They why do we suffer and why do we fall?
When the rich fucking scum's greed won't cease to persist
While we slave and we toil
Just barely exist
If there laws are set up to serve and protect
Why the fuck is there so much famine and death?
Why do innocent die while the scum still stay in power?
While we waste our whole lives protecting these cowards
If it all works so well and they are striving for peace
Why is there torture and war, greed and death?
While we work and we toil till our last dying breath
And you're so fucking happy
Living under the gun
While you slave and tou toil
They have their day in the sun
If their wars preserve freedom for one and for all
Then why don't they die on their own battelfields?
Does this system work?
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