BANDIT 66 - Doom Lyrics

Song Title: Doom
Tag: BANDIT 66
Base: Bekasi, Indonesia
Album: -
Release: -
BANDIT 66 is a Hardcore Punk band from the city of Bekasi, Indonesia. Bandit 66's theme song about social criticism, the journey of our life, rebellion, and everything about life and survive. The following are the lyrics of Bandit 66's song with the title "Doom"
BANDIT 66 - DoomClown of politics playin circus on the state of power
Play some trick, blur the fact, stab the other from the back
No more tolerance, reconciliation just camouflage
The doom seems to come to this country
Domestic problems
Now you see it
Domestic problems
Now you see it
Domestic problems
Now you see it
Domestic problems
Now you see it
Citizen cut the other's throat
Chaos everywhere, who's gonna be trusted
Red sky reflecting the bloods poured in this land
Civil war drew, new bloody history
Domestic problems
Now you see it
Domestic problems
Now you see it
Domestic problems
Now you see it
Domestic problems
Now you see it
Clown of politics playin circus on the state of power
Play some trick, blur the fact, stab the other from the back
No more tolerance, reconciliation just camouflage
The doom seems to come to this country
Domestic problems
Now you see it
Domestic problems
Now you see it
Domestic problems
Now you see it
Domestic problems
Now you see it
More Lyrics of BANDIT 66
BANDIT 66 - Doom lyrics above is copyright / property of the authors, artists, bands and music labels concerned. The entire media including song lyrics, video, and others contained on this site are for promotional and evaluation purposes.