BANDIT 66 - Satanic Circle Lyrics

Song Title: Satanic Circle
Tag: BANDIT 66
Base: Bekasi, Indonesia
Album: -
Release: -
BANDIT 66 is a Hardcore Punk band from the city of Bekasi, Indonesia. Bandit 66's theme song about social criticism, the journey of our life, rebellion, and everything about life and survive. The following are the lyrics of Bandit 66's song with the title "Satanic Circle"
BANDIT 66 - Satanic CircleBush, you think who you are?
George bush you are evil
You state against terrorism
In fact you are terrorist
Fuck you george
You are sucks
Fuck you george
You are sucks
Spreading in every conflict site
Satanic circle keep on rolling
On your fucking war command
Fuck you george
You are sucks
Fuck you george
You are sucks
Fuck you george
Fuck you george
Fuck you george
Fuck you george
Fuck you george
Fuck you george
Fuck you george
Fuck you george
Fuck you george
Fuck you george
Fuck you george
Fuck you george
Fuck you george
Fuck you george
Fuck you george
Fuck you george
Spreading in every conflict site
Satanic circle keep on rolling
On your fucking war command
Fuck you george
You are sucks
Fuck you george
You are sucks
More Lyrics of BANDIT 66
BANDIT 66 - Satanic Circle lyrics above is copyright / property of the authors, artists, bands and music labels concerned. The entire media including song lyrics, video, and others contained on this site are for promotional and evaluation purposes.