THE CASUALTIES - Clockwork Lyrics
the casualties - We Are All We Have

Artist         : THE CASUALTIES
Song Title  : Clockwork
Tag            : THE CASUALTIES


There's a place in town
The biggest dump
When life is hard
I always go
We try so hard to leave this hell
Always the same
We're back here again

Clockwork - life is like clockwork
Vicious circle
Always go to lucky 7
Life will be alright

What goes up must come down
That's part of life
It's always been
We try so hard to leave this hell
At lucky 7 everything's ok

Clockwork - life is like clockwork
Vicious circle
Always go to lucky 7
Life will be alright

I work so hard to pay the rent
I buy some food, my money's spent
I count my change just to survive
By Sunday night, I need to work again

Clockwork - life is like clockwork
Vicious circle
Always go to lucky 7
Life will be alright

When times are tough
And there's no hope
When life is fucked
You gotta hold yourself up

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