THE CASUALTIES - Life Clone Lyrics
the casualties - We Are All We Have

Artist         : THE CASUALTIES
Song Title  : Life Clone
Tag            : THE CASUALTIES


Too many people spend their lives watching their TV
They're all lifetime clones with plastic surgery
I'll tell you who they are you know who I mean
They're tanning in the booth and working in the gym

Life clone - obsessed with brands
Life clone - bombarded with stuff
Life clone - they don't know who they are
Life clone - their brain is gone

The system that we live in destroyed the youth within
Turned them into spoiled brats drugged on riddling
Kids at age ten weigh 200 pounds
If they commit a crime daddy bails them out
Off to spring break and paid for our future in their hands

Life clone - obsessed with brands
Life clone - bombarded with stuff
Life clone - they don't know who they are
Life clone - their brain is gone

The system sends a message to the kids of today
You're easy to control you have no time to think
Copying personalities from a magazine
Spend a fortune of this country
Is all in your hands

Life clone - obsessed with brands
Life clone - bombarded with stuff
Life clone - they don't know who they are
Life clone - their brain is gone

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