DEFIANCE - Not For You Lyrics

Song Title: Not For You
Base: Portland, Oregon
Album: Out Of The Ashes
Release: 2002
Defiance are an American anarcho street punk band from Portland, Oregon, formed in 1993. In the winter of 1993, members from the bands Deprived, Unamused and Resist formed the first line-up of Defiance, with Tony and Alaric on vocals, Mike on guitar and vocals, Kelly on bass and Eric on drums. The following are the lyrics of Defiance's song "Not For You" which was taken from their album entitled "Out Of The Ashes" which was released in 2002.
DEFIANCE - Not For YouComing into this world you're fed a complete line of shit about the choices in life and how to deal with it by the teenage
Years you're just a pawn in their game the universal goal is for everyone to be the same
I won't change at all
Not for you or anyone else your opinion means shit to me
I belive in myself
I won't change at all
Not for you or anyone else your opinion means shit to me
I belive in myself
By the twenties you've got a career and a plan go to war to be a fuckin man.
What a fuckin scam by your thirties you've got some kids and a wife and question what the fuck did I do with my life
I won't change at all
Not for you or anyone else your opinion means shit to me
I belive in myself
I won't change at all
Not for you or anyone else your opinion means shit to me
I belive in myself
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