DEFIANCE - Spoils Of The Last War Lyrics

Song Title: Spoils Of The Last War
Base: Portland, Oregon
Album: Out Of The Ashes
Release: 2002
Defiance are an American anarcho street punk band from Portland, Oregon, formed in 1993. In the winter of 1993, members from the bands Deprived, Unamused and Resist formed the first line-up of Defiance, with Tony and Alaric on vocals, Mike on guitar and vocals, Kelly on bass and Eric on drums. The following are the lyrics of Defiance's song "Spoils Of The Last War" which was taken from their album entitled "Out Of The Ashes" which was released in 2002.
DEFIANCE - Spoils Of The Last WarLook up to the sky, upon the cold and grey horizon
The smell of death fills the air, as the fate of human kind is sealed
Nothing's won and nothing gained when everything you know is gone
There's no place to run or hide and there's no chance for survival
Who's won and lost when we're spoils of the last war?
Who's won and lost when we're spoils of the last war?
No place left to run or hide when the bombs are fallin from the sky
No chance left for protest when your final fate has been decided
The smell of death fills the air and the fate of human kind is sealed
No one's won and lost, we're all just spoils of the last war
Who's won and lost when we're spoils of the last war?
Who's won and lost when we're spoils of the last war?
Look up to the sky upon the cold and dead horizon
No place left to run or hide when the bombs have fallen from the sky
The smell of death fills the air and the fate of human kind is sealed
No one's won and lost we're all just spoils of the last war
Who's won and lost when we're spoils of the last war?
Who's won and lost when we're spoils of the last war?
Spoils of the last war...!!!
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DEFIANCE - Spoils Of The Last War lyrics above is copyright / property of the authors, artists, bands and music labels concerned. The entire media including song lyrics, video, and others contained on this site are for promotional and evaluation purposes.